Andrea in Afghanistan

Updates from Kabul

Sunday, April 01, 2007

ABC's and bunkers...

So this is what it looks like when your school house is located next to an military camp in Sri Lanka... which sadly many schools are. Yes those are bunkers next to playgrounds and murals of English and Sinhala ABCs.

Recently school was closed for two weeks as all the area students had to evacuate during an especially intense shelling session. Now class is back in session and the thuds of government and LTTE shelling are only distant--though still rather disruptive rumblings.


At 1:14 PM, Blogger dave said...

hey, let me channel some McDonnell bluntness. why don't you get out of there?


dave and amy

At 3:05 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm sure the shelling is better to deal with than trying to figure out at 11:15 am what's going to air on Worldview at noon.



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